Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Judge less and love more

Judge less and love more. 
We should be more accepting of everyones personal journey
In life, we are all on a different path
Ours is not better than anothers, 
it is just OURS! 
Some days are easy and some are not. I find that when I go with the flow instead of fighting it, the day turns out better and therefore life is better. 
Accept what is. We must accept the challenges in front of us and Live life to the fullest. Stand strong but remember to enjoy the beauty around. All things on this Earth are temporary anyway! Enjoy those you have with you now. 
Live today, don't fret about yesterday or tomorrow. Try not to be so serious all the time. 
As that old saying goes: Live, Laugh, Love! 
Have a Blessed Day Y'all

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