Saturday, October 18, 2014

Homemade Basic DOG Biscuits!!

Homemade Basic DOG Biscuits!! 

These basic biscuits can be customized 

to your pups taste or needs! 

My little Kiwi certainly deserves 

some homemade biscuits fresh from the oven!!

Here is how to make 'em:

2 ½ cups whole wheat flour (substitute regular flour or oats if your dog is sensitive to wheat)
1 tsp. salt (or less)
1 egg
1 tsp. Beef or chicken flavoring (can substitute beef or chicken broth/stock)
½ cup hot water
***Optional Add ins
oats, liver powder, wheat germ, shredded cheese, bacon bits
(I used liver, also added tiny bit of coconut oil)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Dissolve bouillon in hot water
Add remaining ingredients
Knead dough until it forms a ball (approximately 3 minutes)
Roll dough until ½ inch thick
Cut into slices or bone shapes (you can purchase a bone shaped cookie cutter to make shapes with)
Place dough pieces on lightly greased cookie sheet
Cook for 30 minutes

Cool and then serve! 

Store in a plastic container, sealed to keep fresh :)

Nothing says love like Homemade Treats!!!

To learn more about Skinny Fiber--->> click here

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