Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Way to Go Sara!!!

Way to Go Sara!!! Start here: www.keepmoving.sbcSpecial.com
"Hey everyone. I wanted to post an update. 9 months with Skinny Fiber. This is the longest I have ever stuck with a "plan". I am so pumped for myself! To date I have gotten rid of 56 lbs, 63.5 inches. Starting out i was 271, I am now 216. Never in my life would I have thought that I would share my weight on the internet! I finally broke down and bought a new pair of pants. I prev...iously was a size 24. I tried on a size 18 and a size 16. I bought the 18's, got them home, wore them and wished I would have bought the 16's. Oh well next time Besides the weight loss, I sleep better, I am "regular" in more ways than one, less crabby, and all around just feel better! My doc gave me the green light when I finally brought her the bottle to look at. She said there was nothing harmful in Skinny Fiber, period!
Let me just mention that my
CHOL/HDL RATIO(<4.50) has gone from 5.07 to 4.82,
CHOLESTEROL,TOTAL( 100 - 199 mg/dL) has gone from 223 to 183,
LDL CHOLESTEROL(<131 mg/dL) has gone from 120 to 110,
NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL has gone from 179 to 145, and my
TRIGLYCERIDES(<150 mg/dL) has gone from 296 to 176.
Now I am no doctor,I do not know what all the numbers mean, but in my unofficial opinion the numbers don't lie.
Skinny Fiber has saved my health and my life!"
Not only can Skinny Fiber help you feel full and eat less, but the Skinny proprietary fat burning blend also helps reduce fat absorption, flush ugly toxins, gently boost your metabolism, and a host of other benefits to turn your body into a fat burning machine!
Get Healthy with Skinny Fiber:

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